

Statute of Limitations on Canadian Debts

The Federal and Provincial Governments have Limitation Acts which provide a limit on the time an unsecured debt can be perused by legal proceedings. If an unsecured debt is not collected, or payments are not made on the unsecured debt within these time limits, then legal action cannot be taken by the creditor.


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What a Collection Agency in Canada Cannot Do

If you have ever had a debt that went as far as a collection agency, you probably already know the annoyance they can be, even if the debt is not owed. But before you deal with them, check out the what collection agencies cannot do.



New rules in Ontario debt settlement companies

Starting Wednesday July 1, 2015, debt-settlement companies in Ontario face tighter rules and limits on how much they can charge to help protect consumers from unscrupulous debt settlement practices.

New Ontario debt settlement rules

The province of Ontario has recently implemented a new debt settlement rule that aims to provide relief and support to individuals burdened by overwhelming debt. This groundbreaking regulation aims to assist residents of Ontario in regaining control of their financial situations and building a path towards a debt-free future.

Under the new Ontario debt settlement rule, individuals facing substantial debt can now seek assistance from licensed debt settlement companies. These companies specialize in negotiating with creditors on behalf of the debtor, with the goal of reducing the total amount owed and creating a more manageable repayment plan.

One of the key provisions of this rule is the requirement for debt settlement companies to be licensed and regulated by the appropriate authorities. This ensures that individuals seeking debt relief can trust the expertise and professionalism of the service providers they engage with. Licensed companies are required to adhere to strict guidelines and ethical standards to protect the rights and interests of their clients.

The introduction of this debt settlement rule in Ontario also promotes transparency and consumer protection. Debt settlement companies must provide detailed information about their services, fees, and potential outcomes to clients. This enables individuals to make informed decisions about their financial well-being and choose the most suitable debt settlement option for their specific needs.

Furthermore, the new rule prohibits debt settlement companies from charging upfront fees. This safeguard prevents individuals from falling victim to fraudulent or unscrupulous practices that may exploit their vulnerable financial situations. Instead, fees are typically based on a percentage of the savings achieved through successful debt negotiation.

The implementation of the Ontario debt settlement rule also emphasizes the importance of financial education and counseling. Debt settlement companies are now required to provide educational resources and guidance to clients, empowering them with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their finances effectively. By promoting financial literacy, the rule aims to equip individuals with the tools they need to avoid falling into debt again in the future.

It is important to note that while the Ontario debt settlement rule offers a viable solution for individuals struggling with debt, it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each individual's financial circumstances are unique, and it is crucial to seek professional advice to determine the best course of action. Consulting with licensed debt settlement companies, financial advisors, or credit counseling agencies can help individuals understand the options available to them and make informed decisions about their debt management strategies.

In conclusion, the new Ontario debt settlement rule presents a significant step forward in addressing the debt challenges faced by many residents of the province. By providing a regulated framework for debt settlement services, enhancing consumer protection, and promoting financial education, this rule offers hope and relief to individuals striving to overcome their financial burdens. If you find yourself overwhelmed by debt in Ontario, consider exploring the possibilities offered by this new regulation and take the first steps towards a brighter financial future.